Saturday, July 29, 2006

Where does all the money go????

I paid the bills today, and I am just wondering, where does $$$ go? It was here a minute ago, now it's gone? I keep thinking that I should play the lottery(sp?, it doesn't look right.) Hell, if I did that, I would be even poorer--I just don't win ANYTHING!!!!! I need to get a handle on this dilemma, I want to retire the end of next school year. I have been reading and re-reading a book called RETIRE FOR LESS THAN YOU THINK. It really makes sense--getting the outflow to be less than the income is the key. I need to come up with an income generating hobby. SOMETHING FUN, FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! I'm thinking.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


We have really enjoyed our visit to Kansas this year. The day after we got here a cold front came through and dropped the temp to the 70's. Boy Howdy, that felt great. The girls made a shopping trip to my favorite place--Nell Hill's. We shopped through all three of the McGarity stores and the last one was the most fun. It was all set up for fall with pumpkins everywhere. There were table settings and garland and dishes and LOTS of stuff I just had to have. I can hear Jessica and Gwen groaning, now. "Mom, you don't need anymore shit!!!" They will inherit all that shit someday.Ha,Ha, Ha!!! But, who do they come to when they need "stuff" to do centerpieces and decorate??? A trip to Kansas City is on tap for today to the Union Station Museum. Suppose to be one of the best west of the Mississippi. Will take lots of pictures!!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bubba's vacation!!

Boy Howdy, Bubba is so excited about this trip. He knew something was up yesterday when he saw me pack his bag. He started running around in the kitchen. He will be vacationing with the Dallas Grimes'(they have a pool, you know). He insisted that I pack his suntan lotion and his sunglasses. He knows that they have floaties for him to use, so he won't have to borrow Camaryn's. He wants to look suave and debonaire.
We will enjoy our overnighter with Larry and Cheri and then on to Kansas.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The longer in retirement--the closer to school starting

It occurred to me today that Kirk has been officially retired for three weeks now. That means that the start time for school is looming closer and closer. I got a call today about attending a team leader meeting on July 25. Well, I am going to be in Kansas--thank goodness. I am NOT ready to think about teaching teams and small learning communities--just yet. Lordy, here's hoping that I can endure next year. A lot is going to be happening and I must keep my head about me. I really need to finish reading Covey's book THE 8TH HABIT.
Looking forward to seeing Patsy, Mama, and Amanda again and celebrate Mama's 87th birthday. Amanda is about to embark on her New York adventure in August. Lots is going on. Poor Kirk has not stayed put very long since his retirement. He is hoping that he can after Kansas. He has plans to replace the old fence and gate. I think he is looking forward to that. I am too, because I want to use the old fence wood to make something really interesting. Maybe storage for the patio--to keep outdoor dishes, platters, linens and things in. We shall see, I am still thinking on how to build it. Just think, if I were not going back to school in August, the stuff Kirk tore down I could recycle.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I guess my last blog was too depressing-HUH??? I didn't mean for it to be. I was just thinking about aging. I really think I have done OK--please no negative comments here. I am like my Bigmama, I am 20 in my head and heart. I never knew what she meant by that until now. If I think of myself in the same way folks think of wine and cheese--I AM PRETTY DAMN AWESOME!!!!!!! And so are my friends and family who are in the same wine vat!!!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

The question is---

"Would you be willing to look bad if everyone would sign a contract saying they'd also look bad?"
Now, I am not such a "Dorothy Daydream" to believe that everyone would sign--there would be somebody who wouldn't sign. And there I would be--standing there looking like shit and the person who did not sign looking like she just stepped out of VOGUE.

There are people (women) who never look behind themselves. All it takes is a hand mirror and a half turn and "voila" you can see what everybody sees as you walk away. It is really scary. I never thought I would get to this. OLD!!!! Yesterday, I was shopping with two of the best friends a girl could have. We have made a pact that we will tell each other if we ever try to leave the house looking ugly. I used to climb stairs with grace, and now I am clinging to the railing as if the steps are going to crumble from under my feet. What the hell happened???!!! I negotiated the world with a lot less trepidation. My brain is telling me that I am twenty, but my neck is telling me that I am 59--almost 60. I am wearing more turtleneck shirts, than I ever have. Now, Katherine Hepburn makes sense. Did you ever notice that she had a three color wardrobe? Khaki, black, white. I guess it is easier to decide what to wear. After all you don't have much time left and you don't want to waste it by standing in front of the closet trying to decide what to wear.
The only answer to this dilemma is to win the lottery so you can afford the maintenance. Manicures, pedicures,facials,personal trainers.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th, 2006

Another "Fourth" is going out with a BOOM!!!!! Our neighbors are shooting off the fireworks as always for the holiday. We always have our own fireworks display right in our own cul-de-sac. It has been an otherwise quiet day--Rob came a set up our new computer.
I was able to find out what my blog user name is--couldn't remember when we were in Dallas over the weekend. I tired to blog and ended up publishing on Cheri's blog. She was very gracious about it. We had a great time celebrating their new house.
Tickled pink about Tracy and Devlon's engagement. Another engagement party will be in the planning.
Need to check on Jessica in a little while--seems that she has about four(4) feet of water gushing through the back yard dry creek bed(it is not dry right now). I hope that it is not thundering and lightening(sp?)otherwise Roscoe will be going nuts.
Kirk is off to New Orleans with his Mom and Aunt Bobbie tomorrow. He keeps asking me if I want to go with him. I keep saying "sorry, honey, but I have lots more stuff to do this summer."
He and I are off to Kansas the end of the month. Gotta go and get cookies out of the oven.