Monday, September 24, 2007

Locked out!!!!!

Well, it is time for a NEW garage opener. Today Kirk, Jake and I went for a morning walk. Kirk put the garage door down using the remote, put it in the truck and his truck keys in his pocket. We had a nice walk--Jake was a naughty boy and left a surprise in front of someone's driveway. When we got back to the house, Kirk hit the opener and NOTHING!!! I told him that I did not lock the back door going from the garage to the patio, so we headed to the backyard. Of course, Kirk had come right behind me and locked that door--I know, I know, I am happy that he takes care of us that way. Anyway, our neighbor, Rick, came over and tried to jimmy the door open, then he asked if we had a pry bar--we did. He started to pry the door and things started to kinda split--as in the door facing. I suggested that he take the pins out of the hinges, and he began doing that. I got up and went to the front and started watering my plants. Before I was finished, he had the door open and Kirk was in. I think I need to figure out a hiding place for a spare key somewhere in the backyard. WE NEED A NEW GARAGE OPENER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Misc. & stuff

We're off to see the "babies". Of course, Camaryn would say "Dandy, I not a baby!!!" We are babysitting again--such fun. I got an ad from Gold's Gym for 50% off--think I'll join. I told Kirk and he said "DiAnn, you joined a gym years ago and didn't go." This is true--I was not retired and did not have the time. This time would be different. Don't ya think!!! I've gotta do something, and I damn sure AIN'T gonna start riding a bicycle. I'll leave it to L and R to ride to HELL and back on a bike. Holy Cow!!!!! More power to them!! Well, gotta go we are leaving to keep the babies while Gwen and Rob take portraits. Later

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Falling Leaves

Well, it looks like Fall threw up all over my house. Thank you Larry and Cheri for getting married in the Fall, otherwise I would not have ALL of this Fall stuff to decorate with. It really looks good. I am done until Thanksgiving weekend. The only thing that gets me is that it is still 90 degrees outside. If we were in Kansas, like Aunt Patsy, I would feel like decorating for Fall. Oh well, I just have to live with it. I never wanted to be in a frigid zone, anyway. I'll take pictures and post them soon.

I was playing on the computer Wednesday and decided to see if I could change my desktop picture and I did. I put this one of Patsy and me and it makes me smile every time I pull up my desktop. I'm getting pretty good at this technology stuff. This picture was taken on a Staten Island Ferry as we were site seeing. It was freezing cold and I (the girl from warm South Texas) nearly froze my arse off. We had such a good time that day. We walked all over New York. We walked around Battery Park and then took the sub way to Manhatten and walked around Ground Zero. Ground Zero was a very quiet, solemn place. We even walked by the church that was one of the scenes in a Nicholas Cage movie. (I think it was called "National Treasure", but I'm not sure) I could not live in New York--but it sure was a fun place to visit. I want to go back someday--hopefully again with Patsy. What fun we had. Well, I am about to bust out my fall decor--Lord knows I have enough. We were at Gwen's the other night and she already has hers out. Jessica probably does, too. She usually gets hers out on Labor Day--she says that is the official end of summer, so you might as well redecorate for Fall. I'm a little slow, but I'm old--REMEMBER. So I'm off to the storage unit to bring out the pumpkins. Later.
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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Can you believe the progression of growth during our extremely rainy summer. The banana trees and that little palm tree has doubled in size or maybe even tripled. The winter months will be very interesting, because the plants have grown so much, that fitting them into the greenhouse will be really difficult. We have slacked off on the amount of rain, so I must go water. Later.
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Friday, September 07, 2007

Landon is getting some loving from Grandmommie in Bandera. Next year maybe he can do some fishing with Camaryn and Madie. Until then, I think that he is content to just hang out on the slab with Grandmommie. This is the sweetest picture of both of them, don't you think? This is the first time that she has seen him. A great time was had by all and some serious fishing was done, too. Until next time.
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