Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Substitute work is fast and furious--Need to spring clean!!!

I am at St. Luke's as much as the regular faculty. They all laugh. I told the secretary who gets subs for the middle school that I needed a day off because I have got to clean my house. She laughed--she actually laughed. She said, "Why? Our houses need cleaning, too." Now the receptionest for the elementary school is calling me for sub jobs. It is wonderful to be so needed, but I need a break!!! Well, Aunt Bobbie and Steve are coming tomorrow, so I have to get up at dark thirty and get things dusted, vaccumed, and washed. They will be staying for lunch, so I need to make a bread pudding and get everything spit and polished for their visit. Believe me this house needs to be dust busted, badly. I have sh-- piled everywhere. I am ready to take several days and start my spring cleaning early. Clean out and throw AWAY all manner of STUFF. I have sheets, towels, T-shirts, just stuff that needs to be thrown out. My hall bathroom has not seen its shelves for a very long time. I am ready to get rid of stuff that I have not used in the last year. That is my time frame--if it did not get used this past year, then it is HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Same ole New Year's Resolution...but this time I really mean it!

Well, the new year is upon me and I have made the same New Year's Resolution that I have made since 1986. Lose weight---Exercise more---Get into great shape for my 61 years. I have come to the conclusion that Jessica's favorite saying "Use it or lose it" really applies here. So, I am going to muster up my will-power and start a healthy regiment of weight reduction and exercise(walking to start off with) then we'll see--maybe Yoga. I like yoga , so maybe I will stay with it--although, I am so weak and flabby that I don't think that I am going to be very graceful with my positions. Head stands are truly out of the question for me, but I am more than willing to try the other positions. So here goes. Keep your prayers coming!!!!! This is bigger than the mortal woman can do alone--I'm not kidding!!!!! Hope that all of your resolutions and dreams become reality this year, 2008. Can you believe that we are in the 2000's as years go??!!!!