Saturday, February 24, 2007

Picture Posting Dudette

Now that we have a digital camera, I have turned into a picture posting maniac. We have had lots of good subject matter lately. A new baby, an ice storm, and a wedding in the family. It is so much easier than I thought it would be. I guess you could say that I have entered into the new millenium(sp?). Anyway, I can serf and post with the best of them.

Friday, February 23, 2007

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blogger Blues

All of my favorite bloggers have hit a slump. We have all been so very busy lately, what with the birth of a baby, and the wedding of a niece. Now that has slowed down maybe we can get back to communicating with the world and each other. I don't think things will slow down for me until after May. I am going to New York for spring break to visit my niece, Amanda. Her mom, my sister, and I have not been on a trip together since an infamous trip to New Orleans years and years ago, when I almost backed over her with my car. I don't remember if she remembers that trip or not. I am looking forward to seeing The Big Apple and a show or two while I'm there. I really want to go to SoHo antiquing--but I am not sure how I would get the treasures back to Texas on the airplane. But, wouldn't it be fun just poking around looking!!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

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Dandy and Landon

I was trying to work my magic to get Landon to go back to sleep and it worked as you can see in the next picture. What a handsome boy we have. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Poppie and Landon

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Missed the first time. New at this--I'll get better!

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Cam is loving big sister!!!

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We have a boy!!!

Well, our family is growing. We have a beautiful baby boy who arrived Wednesday at 3:27 p. m. He is soooo cute. If I can figure out how to post pictures, I will do that from Kirk's digital camera. Anyway, they went home last night.

Our Sweet Baby Boy

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