Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Heading to Kansas for Thanksgiving!!

Saturday I head north to Kansas to spend Thanksgiving with Mama and Patsy. I am kind of looking forward to some cooler weather. Gosh, we are all going in all directions this holiday. Kirk is heading to Garland to spend it with Larry and Cheri, Jessica and Emily are heading to Florida to spend it with Em's brother, Gwen will be heading to College Station to cheer those Aggies on for the traditional ATM versus the Long Horns. We will all meet back in SA and get ready for Christmas. It should be pretty wonderful with all these babies in the extended family, now. That Troy is pretty cute!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cold Weather?????

I WANT IT TO GET "FREEZING ASS COLD!!!!!!!!!" What are my chances in south Texas?