Monday, September 26, 2005

Holy Cow Navigating this is harder than I thought.

Well, here I go. It has taken me an hour and a half to navigate cyberspace and understand what I am doing. I have printed out every set of instructions that blog has. I think that I have it now. I sure hope so, otherwise, I will be driving my computer-smart son-in-law crazy. Sorry Rob.
So many times the simplist instructions just zoom over my head. Of course, the more I play with this the better I will get at it.
We had a great visit with family on Sat. Yesterday, LK and I lazed around the house. It was kind of nice to sleep late on a Sunday. We rarely, if ever, do that. Guess, I had better sign off and go to bed, for I am bleary eyed from staring at this screen. I hope posting will get easier. I know that you who are computer savvy are laughing your heads off at me. Go ahead, laugh at my expense--I am learning something NEW.
Good Night!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Dandy's Place

Hello Everybody!!!
I have just made giant leaps in my computer skills and created a BLOG!!!!! I am so proud of me. If this is successful, then it was pretty easy!!

I have decided that this is a great way to practice my writing skills. We'll see how this goes. I have so many things running around in my head that I want to do, that I need to be two or three people. And I wonder where my daughters get their need for overextending themselves. Well, this is a test to see if this is really going to work. Aunt Nell and Uncle Ralph just got here, so I need to close down and go visit with them. We fed Brian , Dianne, Jonathan, and Audrey lunch and they took off back toward flood ladened Houston. Hope they have NO problems getting back into town--there were announcements that discouraged people from coming back, yet.
See you on the flip side.