Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pandemic worse--reopened too soon!!!

March 29, 2020--Ten years has gone by--Holy Cow!!!

I have just gotten back to Dandy's Place.  OK it is time to come clean about this--I could not remember how to get back to it.  Now that I have rediscovered it, I plan to do a lot more writing here.  I have lots of stuff stored up on journals that I can write about.  Some of it is essays, and some of it is poetry.  TADA!!!  I am back.  I have done lots of writing on FB, but that has not been the same as this.  Now, I have to decide what I am going to write about--maybe the president, the coronavirus, my grand babies (who are not longer babies), how retirement shook me up, how I cherish my breakfast group, there is a whole list of stuff.  I really must think about this and come up with some note worthy blurbs of wisdom!!!

July 14, 2020--Experiencing the second go-round of Covid-19.   This pandemic has killed so many people and wreaked havoc on our economy.  Donald Trump is going full steam ahead with his re-election campaign as if nothing is wrong.  There is a lot of controversy about the opening of schools in August.  The numbers of people getting the coronavirus is rising rapidly and they still want to open schools.  I would like to understand how children who change classes in middle and high school and who play outside and in PE in elementary school and contract Covid-19 will be isolated to prevent further exposure??  Our national education leader says that she will with hold government funding of schools that do not open in August.  I am not well versed on how all that works, but I think that Congress has some say, somehow about it. 


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