Monday, July 17, 2006

The longer in retirement--the closer to school starting

It occurred to me today that Kirk has been officially retired for three weeks now. That means that the start time for school is looming closer and closer. I got a call today about attending a team leader meeting on July 25. Well, I am going to be in Kansas--thank goodness. I am NOT ready to think about teaching teams and small learning communities--just yet. Lordy, here's hoping that I can endure next year. A lot is going to be happening and I must keep my head about me. I really need to finish reading Covey's book THE 8TH HABIT.
Looking forward to seeing Patsy, Mama, and Amanda again and celebrate Mama's 87th birthday. Amanda is about to embark on her New York adventure in August. Lots is going on. Poor Kirk has not stayed put very long since his retirement. He is hoping that he can after Kansas. He has plans to replace the old fence and gate. I think he is looking forward to that. I am too, because I want to use the old fence wood to make something really interesting. Maybe storage for the patio--to keep outdoor dishes, platters, linens and things in. We shall see, I am still thinking on how to build it. Just think, if I were not going back to school in August, the stuff Kirk tore down I could recycle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun in Kansas! Be safe!

8:16 PM  

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