Friday, June 09, 2006

Thrusday Thirteen

I am such a technology Know-Nothing. I don't know how to do the Thursday Thirteen Thing, but I am going to do my OWN thing.
1. I'm out of school.
2. I attended a Small Learning Communities conference
last weekend.
3. Hooked with my new team of teachers for next year.
4. Will seriously consider retiring at the end of next year.
5. Summer time--Camaryn!!!! She is so cute.
6. Off to Kansas end of July to spend time with Mama while Patsy and Amanda go to New York.
7. I'm singing in a Broadway review June 16th and 17th.
8. Lunched with my two best friends last week.
9. I finished the concrete walkway to the garden gate yesterday--looks great!!
10. Cleaned out all the closets except Kirk's.
11. Repotted some spider plants that were way overdue for new digs!!:)
12. Paid bills yesterday, not much left, but thankful I had the money to pay the bills we had.
13. Looking forward to next weekend--family reunion, Broadway Tonight, and Kids Home!!!!

My list could have gone on and on.


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