Monday, January 23, 2006

I am not lost!!!

I realize that it has been a very very long time since I have written to everyone, so I am here to say I'm back. I THINK. Things at school will be very hectic this semester until TAKs is over. We are starting already. Mac has the honor of field testing this years TAKs. I really wished that another school in our district would take on that chore. Our poor kids!!!!
God love them, though, they hang in there with us. They are the best. I have been looking at the newest pictures of my beautiful granddaughter--holy moly--she is sooooooo cute. A head full of teeth and walking all over the place. I have been thinking of a new tradition she and Dandy should do for spring 1. plant daffodils 2. dye Easter eggs. It's a thought. Hopefully, it won't be so long between now and the next time that I write.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God-I thought you had blogged off the face of the earth-I faithfully check everyday for an update and seriously thought there would be no more. So keep on. Linell

8:20 AM  

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