Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thanksgiving is Coming!!

Wow! It is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is upon us again. In some ways it seems like it has taken forever to get here and then on the other hand, it rushed right in. Of course, I have been measuring the slow side of time by the school clock. With my needy and demanding students, this year has moved like molasses on a very cold day. I am getting ready to go to Kansas for Thanksgiving to visit my sister and Mother. My sister and niece are in New York ,as I write this ,checking out art schools there. Amanda will be going there as soon as she finishes the art school in Kansas City. I am looking forward to going up--Mom told me, Tuesday, they had snow. It did not stick because the ground was not frozen, yet. IT IS NOW!!! I may get to throw a snow ball or two while I'm there. I have always been a summer kind of chic(that's why I live in south Texas), however, after 100 degree temps all the way into late September, I am more than ready for some cold weather. I'll be leaving Kirk again this year. He is so wonderful to not object to my going away for a week around a major holiday. He is such a good guy. I am very lucky. Of course, we will talk every day while I am gone. Thank goodness for cell phones!!!!! Well, I have used up enough time (should have been packing). Happy Thankgiving to everybody!! I am so thankful for all of my family and friends. I am sorry that I will miss seeing Larry and Cheri. You know that I love you guys a lot. Safe traveling from Dallas--sorry about your Jeep, Larry. The jerks!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish it was snowing here! I sure would love a white Thanksgiving! I am sure the cold weather will soon leave and we will have a 80 degree Thanksgiving! Enjoy your trip and visit! I will miss you!

6:21 AM  

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