Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sausage making with Kirk

Yesterday Kirk made venison sausage with a great deal of help from Jessica and Emilie. Emilie had never done it before and told Kirk during the Christmas Holidays that she wanted to help him when he decided to make it. I must say that I was delighted that he had someone who wanted to help, because I would have been the "mixer, cranker, stuffer, and labeler" had she not volunteered. Jessica labeled all the packages as they were brought in. Later in the afternoon Gwen, Rob and Camaryn came to visit and we had fried chicken for lunch. Ya'll should see that little girl eat fried chicken and french fries. After lunch she wanted to go out with Jake, and as soon as Gwen got out the door with her, she wanted down. She made a bee-line for the swimming pool and would have jumped right in had Gwen not been right behind her. She loves water. She splashed in the fish pond and would have jumped into it as well. Looks like Dandy will have to get a flotation device for her when she is here. Lordy, she made me nervous. She took a ride in the wagon we have here. We have a new wagon here because Poppie had a really hard time putting it together and made a slight mistake attaching a wheel, ultimately causing him to go back to the store and buy a new wagon which he put together correctly this time. Long story, short---we have a wagon at our house just like the one Camaryn has at her house. I call that "screwing up in reverse." Sometimes it works out OK!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had fun!

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Emilie did a great job. I couldn't have done it without her. What a great day it was---being with family, being productive, and enjoying every moment of it!! To top it off, it may be the best sausage ever made!! Thanks Emilie, and Jessica, and Dandy!! THen to have Gwen, Rob and Camaryn joining us made it a perfect day. Love you all.

5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had fun too!

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I had a great time. We ate some of the pan sausage tonight....and if I say so myself...we did a good job!! Granzin's should watch out...we could put them out of business!! Thanks for the experience.

7:09 PM  

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