I am very sad because one of my former students was stabbed to death. He was living in California going to college out there. He and his brother lived together and they got into a fight over a computer and his brother stabbed him. I really enjoyed teaching this young man. He was witty, smart, and full of potential. He had such a sweet spirit and it breaks my heart that his life ended. Teaching kids like him was a pleasure.
Dandy's Place
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Being a Baby Boomer-This Sucks!!!!!
Well, here I sit bigger than Dallas--A BABY BOOMER!!!! My living parent is dependant upon my sister-which can be VERY stressful. Mama has been sick over the last few days, which has been very stressful for my sister. All of my friends who have living parents are in the same boat. "Dod oh Dod" what do we do now? I guess this is what our parents felt like when they reached this cross roads in their lives. I never thought that my mama would ever need anybody to take care of her. She was always so very strong and took care of EVERYTHING!!!!! She is not so strong anymore. She is afraid of things that she was NEVER afraid of before. How can I help her. She is so far away. I never thought for a million years that I would ever be worried about Mama being afraid--of anything. But, she is.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I really don't know how to title this, but this has been a very strange week. Last Wednesday Kirk and I helped Gwen get hay for the "Pumpkin Patch" all day(Sat.) photo shoot. We delivered the hay and then we went up the street to Marilyn and Roslyn's house to say hello to their Mom. She was sleeping off and on, and so very frail. Neither one of us felt like she knew who we were. Later that night she passed away quietly. I know a lot of people think that I have a very strange relationship with Kirk's ex-wife and her family, but the truth is they are part of who Gwen and Larry are. They are family. Kaye and Gus were very sweet to me from the very beginning of mine and Kirk's relationship. There are unknown reasons why certain groups of people are destined to meet and grow together. I think that Ros's family are just such a group of people. I was destined to meet Kirk and become a member of his family(including his ex-family) and he a member of mine. I am richer for knowing all of these people. I know that my Jessica is richer for having them in her life. Gwen and Larry became the sister and brother that she would not have had otherwise. You pass this way once, and to live with unwarrented animosity only leads to an unhappy life. I felt blessed having known Kaye Erben and I hope that she and Gus are together in heaven having a wonderful time catching up on things.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Say It Ain't So........
Yesterday, I went to get my hair trimmed--yes, Jessica, only trimmed. I got my eyebrows waxed, too. While she was working on my eyebrows, she asked me if I wanted to have those pesky little hairs removed from my upper lip. I said, "I don't have hair on my upper lip--that is Kirk." She laughed and handed me a mirror---OH MY GAWD!!!! I had hair on my upper lip--not just peach fuzz, either. I have now reached the realm of Old-hood. She said, "Miss DiAnn, I can't let you walk out of here like this." AGGGHHHH!!!!!!! When I was young, I can remember seeing old ladies with hair on their upper lip and being grossed out. Well, NO ONE else will ever see hair on my upper lip, other than Amelia!!!!! Thank you, Amelia.