Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Being a Baby Boomer-This Sucks!!!!!

Well, here I sit bigger than Dallas--A BABY BOOMER!!!! My living parent is dependant upon my sister-which can be VERY stressful. Mama has been sick over the last few days, which has been very stressful for my sister. All of my friends who have living parents are in the same boat. "Dod oh Dod" what do we do now? I guess this is what our parents felt like when they reached this cross roads in their lives. I never thought that my mama would ever need anybody to take care of her. She was always so very strong and took care of EVERYTHING!!!!! She is not so strong anymore. She is afraid of things that she was NEVER afraid of before. How can I help her. She is so far away. I never thought for a million years that I would ever be worried about Mama being afraid--of anything. But, she is.


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