Saturday, August 26, 2006

Yippeee and Hooray!!!!!

My awesome son-in-law has a new job!!!! He will be working for East Central school district in the technology department. Yippeeeeeee!!!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

God really knows best!

Every now and then God gives me a shove in the right direction. He did that today. I committed to attending a choir retreat from 9-3 today. I did not want to go because I was so tired. The beginning of school has been very stressful and my heart was not in sitting and singing all day.
You would think that I would have gotten the idea by now that "I" am NOT in charge. God is. All my life God has picked me up and stood me on my feet and shoved me forward. There has never been a time when God has left me twisting in the wind. Every once in a great while God has to shake me a little. OK, OK, God, I get it!!! You're always there. Thank you. So, if you are feeling stressed and unsure--just let go and let God. You will feel so much better. I promise. Oh, but you have to realize that it might not be what YOU thought should happen. Peace be with you all.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Tomorrow is the BIG day!! School Year 2006-2007

All is in order in the classroom. If it isn't it wasn't meant to be. I am kinda looking forward to meeting the ninth graders. They will be a little nervous, I think, about high school. I will add to their anxiety!!! My expectations are VERY high this year. It is the first year that I am teaching all regular students. They will be reading and writing all year long. When they get to tenth grade my kids will know the writing process and how to analyze literature. It will be hard for them at first, but I will step by step procedures for them to follow and I know that they will rise to the occassion!!!!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Well, I went to school today and got my room keys. I walked into the room thinking that I would just do a little bit--well, three hours later I left. I only have a few more things to do to get the room ready for students. I am very glad, because, with this new program we are doing this year, I think that I will be jumping through my ass to stay on top of everything. There is LOTS to do the first two weeks of the new year. Lordy!!! Now, I must turn my sights to getting all the first year teachers hooked up with mentors. It looks like I'm outta the chute, Ladies and Gentlemen!!!! Summer is OVER.