Thursday, March 26, 2009

Home from the hospital

Hello everyone,
Kirk was released from the hospital tonight at about 7:45. His surgery went very well. It was contained to the prostate and no lymph glands were involved. We are so blessed. The girls came over and helped me get him settled. He sat in his recliner, but kept popping up to check on God knows what. Gwen kept asking him where he was going. I think he was just glad to be home, was all. I got him settled in be with his pp bag and he is snoozing away. He will loose the bag next Thursday. He really did not get much sleep last night. St. Luke's nurses are just like all other nurses--waking you up to give you a sleeping pill!!!!!!!!! Not really--his nurses were truly wonderful. They were so loving and took such good care of him. His doctor is a true wonder. He is one of the most remarkable surgeons in the whole USA.
Now for some sad news--one of our dearest friend's cancer surgery (Tuesday) did not go so well. Her cancer has spread to her abdominal area. She will have to have chemo. Please say lots of prayers for "Miss Betty"--we love her so much. The girls cooked casseroles and soups and other great dishes for us so neither of us have to cook for a week. Larry is coming in tomorrow night. I think that we will all be fine in a few weeks. Please continue to pray for us and a speedy recovery.
Later and love you all a lot.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm Back!!!!

I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to post. I have been trying to juggle everything and keep my emotions calm. Kirk will be undergoing prostate surgery this Wednesday. I am more than positive that he will be just fine. Prayers are floating around so I am very confident that all will turn out well. I am also trying to keep my job at St. Luke's. My job has been posted and I have to re-apply, which I have done. I am in constant contact with the new headmaster. I hope that my interview comes up this week, Monday or Tuesday. I have decided that if it is meant to be, it will happen, if not, then I will come up with a new plan. Sometimes being in a comfortable place is not what is meant to be. I'll try to be more forthcoming with posts.
Later!!! By the way, happy spring to all.