The Disabled Butterfly
This morning I was watering my plants in the back yard and I saw a butterfly struggling in the swimming pool. I got a net and got it out and then saw why it was struggling. It had one perfectly beautifully shaped wing and one that was deformed. I almost cried, I was so sad. This poor butterfly had a disability that it did not deserve. I got to thinking about all kinds of disabilities. I have taught children with disabilities my entire teaching career. I thought about the rest of the "normal" folks who walk around. We ALL have some kind of deformity or disability of some sort. We all have things that happened in our lives that changed us one way or another. Some of us were born to two nurturing parents, and some of us were not--but we survived.
Like that butterfly, we all have survived. We have survived because we had that extra special thing within us that was the driving force. Thank God--and it might have been God who spoke to us in our sleep and told us that all was going to be all right. Now, I do not know the length of that butterfly's life--considerably shorter than ours, but I must say that I learned something today--we come down that shoot to be born to those two people that we are meant to be born to and we have to survive and live a life that is full and special. We must make some kind of difference somehow. Like that butterfly made a difference in me. God comes to us in very simple ways--even by way of a wounded butterfly.