Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Landon's favorite thing to say when you ask him a question is "Don't know". Well, that is where I am with my job. I have a meeting with the new head of school next Monday and he will observe me in class on Tuesday. Hopefully, after that I will know one way or the other. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Day

Hello Everyone!!
It has been a very busy Easter weekend. Larry and Cheri were in town from Garland for a baby shower given by Jessica, Gwen, and Tracy(Hogue). It was so much fun seeing family two days in a row, we don't do that very often. It will happen again in June when Bethany gets married. We were all at Jessica's yesterday for the baby shower--little Liam's mom and dad (Larry and Cheri) made a haul!!!!!!! We all went to dinner with Cheri's Mom (Tammy) last night at "Clear Springs"--yummy, yummy!! Larry and Jessica kept us in stitches with tales of long ago when they were little and riding in the camper of Dad's and Pappaw's pickup truck. There was a time when it seemed OK to let kids ride in vehicles like that. Except when Nana was driving!!!!!!!! It got quite adventurous. We were back to Jessica's Sunday for Easter Dinner after the whole family went to church together at Travis Park. We took up two pews. It was truly wonderful. Camaryn, Landon and Cass were little champs about being quiet during the service. Vanilla wafers and Easter basket toys work wonders. It all comes back to me now--all it takes is a little jog of the memory. It was such a great day. I hope that all of you had a blessed Easter, too.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail..........

Well, tonight Poppie and I helped Rob with Camaryn and Landon while Gwen did a photo shoot. Rob is recovering from an automobile accident Tueaday night. He is pretty bruised and sore and a very lucky man to have walked away from a crash that totaled his car. The kids were in rare form tonight, for sure. It had everything to do with the FULL moon. Poppie had boiled a dozen eggs for us to take to dye. Camaryn is very methodical in her egg dying, however, Landon grabs an egg and drops it from on high which causes the dye water to splash all over the table. Then he submerges his hand in the cup of dye to retreive the egg. BLUE HANDS emerge--blue up to his wrist. I went through half a roll of paper towels just keeping his hands dried off. He is very quick with his dying jobs--then he's "done." It was quite an experience, I had forgotten how much fun it can be--however, Jessica was not as messy. Camaryn was not messy, either. Thank you, Baby. Dying eggs with Landon is very exhilarating--haven't had such fun in years. Happy Easter to all.