Look out Kansas here we come!!!!
Well, I was able to find two round trip tickets to Kansas City and a rent car for a week for $677. What a deal. If any of you found anything cheaper, don't tell me. I was quite proud of myself. Kirk and I have never flown together before, he is in for a treat--I am NOT the calmest flyer in the world. Copious amounts of wine help. I flew right after American had the problems with their jets and I had no problem asking the captain if the airplane I was boarding was good to go. He said "Yes, otherwise it would not be flying." He must have thought I was a real nut case, he just grinned and shook his head. I have to have an aisle seat, otherwise, I get really cranky--smooshed in between two people. I know that flying is proven the safest way to travel, but....... I don't envy Cheri and Larry their flight to Europe--over the ATLANTIC OCEAN for heaven sake. It takes forever!!!!!! I do envy them the sites they'll see after they get there. I need to go and water plants and find something constructive to do with my time. Later
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