Sunday, May 04, 2008

Going back to Texas

Well, I'm headed back to Texas this afternoon. I have had a good visit with Mama and Patsy. We did a little shopping and a lot of pricing and separating "stuff" for a garage sale. Patsy swears that she will never garage sell ever again. I don't think I will, either. It is sooooo much work and you get very little return on all that work. Yesterday afternoon, we loaded the big heavy stuff that was left and took it to the DAV Thrift store in St. Joe. When we got back we packed up the smaller "stuff" and Patsy will take it in on Monday. Her garage, basement, and closets look great. It has motivated me to do some more cleaning out of my house. I really want to simplify more. Our office/computer room needs a lot more cleaning out. It will help when I shred all of the old financial paperwork. That will be the agenda for me this week, as well as the "stuff" under the beds. Right now, I am hanging out with Patsy's cats while she gets some shut-eye, and Mama is getting dressed. Her minister will be coming later this afternoon. My flight leaves Kansas City at 5:00 and I will be home at 9:00. Later,ya'll.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys had a great visit!

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back!

6:58 AM  

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