Going to Kansas City!!!!
Sunday I leave for Kansas and a week with Mama Willa and Patsy. We plan a trip into Kansas City to the new Nell Hill's store. I have been getting the news letter from Mary Carol McGarrity, the owner of Nell Hill's, so I have a map to get there. It will be fun to just hang out with my sister for a week. I worked yesterday and will help with a group of St. Luke students on a fieldtrip to Austin and the Texas History Museum. I am really looking forward to that. I plan to make notes so Kirk and I can go back on our own. I need to go and get some laundry done, dust, vacuum, and clean bathrooms. I am trying to look at those chores as important activities--it has not sunk in as of yet. Maybe, when I step back and look at a really clean bathroom or bedroom, I can smile at my handy work!!! The Amish consider it a sacred activity, I AM really trying to look at these chores in the same way.
I was in Kansas City a couple of months ago and ventured out to Nell Hill's.... It is such a wonderful store! So many goodies and some of it pretty reasonable. Have fun!
Have a fun trip! We will miss you! I love NellHill- let me know if you find any great goodies!
Hope we can go visit them with you sometime! Tell them we said hi.
I am not sure that chores will ever be "sacred" at my house. LOL but good luck trying! Have a safe trip.
Get as much done as you can -- because just think...once you get to Kansas you can relax and enjoy your week with Sis and Mom. Have a safe trip! Can't wait to hear about your trip.
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