Sunday, July 13, 2008

Exhaustion doesn't even discribe!!!

We helped keep the kiddos occupied while Gwen and Rob did an summer mini shoot yesterday and today. Holy Cow, I am TIRED!!!!! I kept Cam occupied in her room pretending while the photo shoot was in progress. Today, (Sunday) I played mostly with Cam and Landon slept. Thank goodness. Landon is so much faster than Camaryn. Thank God for Poppie, who can get Landon to sleep really quickly, and today was no exception. Buddy Bear slept for an hour and a half, so all I had to do was keep Can entertained. Play-Do is such a wonderful invention, I love that person!!!!!!!!! While Landon slept, we made snow flakes, snakes, and birthday cakes with Play-Do. God, I love that stuff!!!!!!!!!! After the shoot, Kirk helped Rob transport 590 pounds of sand from their living room floor to the back yard. These people are CRAZY!!!!!! They bring in a real Santa for the Christmas shoot, real LIVE, hopping all around bunnies for Easter, and half a beach for the summer shoot. Lordy, Lordy. Gwen is thinking watermellons next year--that could be even worse!!!!! They are sticky, and gooey!!!! We will see. They are through until the Pumpkin shoot in October. It really was fun for me to get some really good bonding time with Camaryn. She is so much fun and she has such a great imagation. She even had Landon participating in her fantastic times, although he was undoing everything she started. It was great watching them interact. Until next time...check out Gwen's post for pics!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We couldn't do it with out you! All of your help is appreciated! :)

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... should have opted for the pretend sleeping you could have caught a cat nap!!!

8:20 AM  

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