Play time with Cam and Landon
Yesterday, Kirk and I babysat while Gwen did two (booked at the same time) photo shoots. Cam had a complete melt-down just as Gwen's first customers came in the door. She spent 30 minutes in her room crying "I want my Mommy." Every now and then I would go to the door and ask her if I could come in and again she'd say "I want my Mommy." Finally, she calmed down and let me in and we sat and played "Barbies". While we were sitting there playing with the dolls she said "Me need to tell Mommy, me sorry." She got up out of the floor and started to go to the studio and I told her Mommy was not finished yet. She came back in and started playing again and when Gwen finished the shoot and came out, she jumped up and ran to Gwen and hugged her and told her she was sorry. She understands remorse and knows when she has not been a sweet girl. She tries to make up for her behavior. I was impressed with that.
We played some more and then went outside and played "Hide and Seat". No that is not a typo-that is what she calls it. It was a very interesting version of hide and seek, she shows you where she will hide and you go count. Then, you come and search for her. She is always in the same spot. She says it is her turn to count and she shows you where you should hide and then she goes and stands by a tree and counts to ten and shouts "Here me come."
We didn't stay outside very long because the heat and mosquitoes ran us inside. Poppie had fixed lunch for us, so we ate. Then it was back to her bedroom to play some more. This time, it was time for me to take a nap, so Cam "put me to bed" and said "Good night, sweet dreams", You go to sleep, now." I am thinking, gee, I really like this game. I get to lay down and rest--not so much. She is back in a flash "It's morning." To which I said, "Gosh, that was a mighty short night." She looks through her stack of books and decides that I need to read to her, and she bounces up on the bed and is squirming around and she says "Me have a wedgie," as she adjusts her underwear. I laughed out loud and she said "What's so funny?" I said "Nothing". Then she said "Is it my wedgie?" We both laid on the bed laughing. Today, Poppie and I went to watch her swim. She has it down, now. The instructer would let her go and she popped right back up, rolled over on her back and spread her arms out to her sides and floated. When she sat up and looked over in our direction, she blew kisses to us. She practiced that for a little while and then the instructer told her to swim big and she put her face in the water and took off toward the steps. She is learning this so fast. Landon is sidelined with an upper respiratory cold. He should be back on track tomorrow. He is not too keen on this swimming stuff and he lets everyone know how he feels. He would much rather be playing ball. I'll keep you posted on their progress. More later.
Yes, she had me sleeping a lot at the lake. She would say good night, kiss my cheek, and then BOOM...its morning. Funny Cat!
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