"Menopause The Musical"
Aunt Nell and I are going to "Menopause, The Musical" tonight. I'll let you know how it was. I went to a job fair yesterday and talked to a lot of people. You know when you are in the education business you don't realize how the rest of the world spins--really!!!! The business world is a whole new being. To get a little philsophoical(sp?), "What's it all about Alfie?" I honestly think that life really is all about the "Hokey Pokey". I told this to Kirk many years ago and he and I have had the conversation lots of times. I mean, come on, look at the stock market!!!! It has taken a nose dive two days in a row. Those business people are going crazy because the economy of the USA is glubbing down the drain. But is it really????????? Is there a Gremlin in there just stirring the money pot????? Ya think? If you own stocks hang on to them, what goes down always comes back up. Later.
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