Thursday, February 05, 2009

Face Book--Who'd a thunk it!!

Well, I have joined Face Book. Thing is--I don't know how to sign into it or post on it. I know that it is probably the simpliest thing in the world to do--but, folks, I am NOT so good with computers. I am working on it. Ro-bear help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of this came about because Margaurite signed me up as one of her friends and now I am friends with the Western World. I love that, at least I know that I am not all alone in the world. That would really suck. I love looking at what everyone else is doing in their lives. The only thing is that my life seems really dull compared to theirs. What's up with that!!??!! We are so excited that Larry and Cheri are having a baby boy. We get to go up in another week and help paint a room "Blue" for a boy! That will be over Valentine's weekend. I am sooooo excited. Larry is going to be such a great "Daddy" and Cheri is going to be the sweetest "Mommy". Until next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

figure out facebook and send me a friend request.

8:16 PM  

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